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Storia is a social multimedia publishing platform that empowers members of its community to share thought-provoking content. Our goal is for you to be entertained, informed and challenged. Find and share compelling stories Upon downloading the Storia app or visiting Storia.me, you will be taken to our Discover page. Posts with the strongest feedback from our editors and readers are featured there daily. Become an author Storia is a diverse and inclusive platform for anyone with something to say. Bloggers, families, professionals, artists, culture critics, you name it. It is easy to publish on Storia too. Register for free using your favorite social network or an email address, and then start sharing your news, thoughts, opinions and ideas. Co-author stories Collaboration is an important part of the Storia experience. So, you can publish on your own or collaborate with others. Once you get started, you will see the functions that allow you to produce work with storytellers like yourself. Happy exploring.