A Perfect Match: What Made These Sales Reps Join Their Teams

We sat down with some recent sales hires to discuss finding the perfect team fit — and what made them apply.

Written by Conlan Carter
Published on Jan. 18, 2024
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Just as customers take a bet on the right salesperson, salespeople looking for their next companies are making an investment in two futures at once: the future of the company they join and their future sales career.

One of the major reasons candidates stick with — or move on from — their role is career advancement opportunities, according to a recent Pew Research poll. And sales is no exception. In a competitive, quota-driven environment where people skills and personal accountability shine, salespeople have just as much room for growth as anyone. Excellent sales development representatives can quickly become notable account executives, and account executives who consistently deliver are well on their way to serious leadership roles in a fair and supportive organization.

Speaking of standout account executives with an eye for career growth, Built In San Francisco had the chance to check in with three freshly hired sales reps — Domino Data Lab’s Christopher Torres, Adyen’s Morgan Clark and Grammarly’s Glee Corsetti — to discuss what about their current team caught their eye and how it's going so far. 


Image of Christopher Torres
Christopher Torres
Enterprise Account Executive • Domino Data Lab

Domino Data Lab is an enterprise AI platform that enables data science teams to rapidly develop and deploy models that drive breakthrough innovation and competitive advantage.


As a sales representative, what were you looking for in your next role when you started your most recent job search?

First, I looked for the company’s growth potential. I examined the adoption rate of its product and similar products on the market. A big question I sought to answer was “Is there a need for this solution and does the message of that need resonate in the market?”  Also, I considered whether it has a differentiator from its competitors.

Second, there was a focus on positional fit. How do my skills translate to this company, its product, its methodologies, beliefs, expectations, etc.? What kind of impact can I expect to make in one, two, five years? I looked at both their top performers and median performers and examined whether there were commonalities between their skills and mine. 

My third and final focus was on unpacking the company’s history and forecast; including funding rounds. What round are they in, why have they raised the amount they did, have they applied it or how do they plan to apply it, and why? Also, where are they investing their resources, and how is leadership’s vision getting executed?


What stood out to you about your current Domino Data Lab, and how has that perception changed since you started?

Domino is a company with an impressive product and tremendous potential. Solutions in this segment of the market have a lot of hype around them. The tech industry continues to evolve at a rapid pace, and it's becoming increasingly clear that GenAI adoption will be a key driver in the overall impact of AI, with Gartner predicting it could account for at least 25 percent of this impact. 

The inner collaboration and support around me at Domino is exceptional. Leadership provides resources to give you the best opportunity for success, and the teams, though remote, are very personal and impactful to your daily experience. They support one another. The mission is believed in, and our motivation is united.

Regarding change, my expectations continue to be met, not because I created a low standard, but because the organization rises to the occasion. The industry's perspective on GenAI as a crucial element for the future aligns with this. Industry leaders across various sectors are coming to a consensus, showing confidence in the role of GenAI within their organizations and recognizing the comprehensive value it brings — circling back to my belief in the overall potential of Domino.


From a selling perspective, what sets Domino Data Lab apart from others you've worked at in the past?

Leadership provides you with creative freedom, yet they are accessible and supportive both from a resource and a collaboration perspective.  The reality is that this is a selling motion, and we have numbers to hit. The life of a software sales professional is hard, and you have to embrace the grind. Domino is similar to that perspective at a high level, but here you have a team ready to help you be successful.  

The inner collaboration and support around me at Domino is exceptional.”


Being a company with the potential Domino has, you feel your ideas are embraced and you are actually making an impact on the growth of the company and its mission. You are influential and this gives you a sense of pride and a sense of ownership that you don’t always have.     

One advantage of being at a company like Domino is that your attention to your customers is a priority. Our CEO and COO welcome the opportunity to speak with a prospective customer; it's encouraged.  It is rare that a company — and it doesn’t have to be the largest spending customer — gets an opportunity to meet the C-Suite of a vendor early in the sales cycle, but here at Domino, we want to show our customers that they are not looked at as just a revenue number. Rather we seek a relationship and a partnership with them.



Image of Morgan Clark
Morgan Clark
Enterprise Account Executive • Adyen

Adyen is the financial technology platform of choice for leading companies across the globe, helping businesses achieve their ambitions faster.


As a sales representative, what were you looking for in your next role when you started your most recent job search?

In my search, I was looking for a role that would not only build upon my existing sales skills but also provide a dynamic and challenging environment for growth. I was attracted to the pace and the opportunities ahead at Adyen, especially in North America. I was also looking for a company that values innovation and encourages independence for its employees — Adyen embodies each of these characteristics for me. And as a global company, international travel is a nice plus!


What stood out to you about Adyen, and how has that perception changed since you started?

As I was interviewing, I was most impressed with the company’s dedication to preserving the culture of Adyen while scaling at such a rapid pace. The culture here is unlike anything I’ve seen before, and in the past few months, my perception has only been reinforced. Working across regions can be challenging without the right support, but Adyen sees collaboration and putting one’s ego aside as critical components to the success of the sales organization and the company. This environment is prime for personal and professional growth, which is exactly what I was looking for.


From a selling perspective, what sets Adyen apart from others you've worked at in the past?

Adyen’s approach to an autonomous working environment sets them apart from companies I’ve worked at in the past. Working in sales, I’m used to owning a region or specific book of business, but Adyen doesn’t place those limitations on the team. The business priorities are clear; from there, reps can decide how to make the biggest impact.

Adyen sees collaboration and putting one’s ego aside as critical components to the success of the sales organization and the company.”


Adyen employees are expected to own their career growth, and as a part of this, you often see people build their internal networks and lean on each other to succeed. Every company has guiding principles, but Adyen truly embodies theirs with the “Adyen Formula.”



Image of Glee Corsetti
Glee Corsetti
Commercial Account Executive • Grammarly

Grammarly’s digital writing assistant improves lives by improving communication, helping 30 million people and 70,000 teams write more clearly and effectively every day.


As a sales representative, what were you looking for in your next role when you started your most recent job search?

I was very specific in my job search, only considering companies that had products I believed in, leaders I trusted and looked up to and a culture that prioritized career development, kindness and open communication.

Having previously worked with many of the leaders at Grammarly, I knew I could continue to learn a lot from them. So I decided to apply to Grammarly exclusively, without considering any other companies. This was the first job I applied to without being recruited, and it turned out to be an excellent decision.


What stood out to you about Grammarly, and how has that perception changed since you started?

My perception hasn’t changed; it’s just been proven accurate! I’m thrilled that my hunch about Grammarly was right. It’s great to be at an organization led by people passionate about employee happiness, driving a mission together and standing for something bigger than dollars and cents.

Grammarly’s mission of improving lives by improving communication hits close to home. I’m married to an amazing person who has always struggled with written words, which made them feel inferior to others. Upon first using Grammarly, their face lit up, and they said, “It’s like this tool was made for me!”

It’s great to be at an organization led by people passionate about employee happiness and standing for something bigger than dollars and cents.”

From day one, I have noticed that the passion team members put into their work to make communication better for everyone is unrivaled. Our leaders are building excellent teams made up of some of the most brilliant, kind, enthusiastic and inspiring individuals I have ever had the pleasure of working with. I am excited to log on every day and work with this amazing team at Grammarly to build something truly extraordinary.


A Grammarly employee speaks into a microphone and presents a slideshow in front of a large seated crowd at a recent meeting.


From a selling perspective, what sets Grammarly apart from others you've worked at in the past?

Grammarly’s product is not just another tool in the market. It is a unique solution that aims to make a positive impact. At the core of our operations, we are empowering people across the globe to express themselves more effectively and effortlessly. It’s a rare opportunity to be part of a mission that genuinely benefits people — and that’s truly motivating.

Along with selling an amazing product, I’ve undergone more personal development in my first two months at Grammarly than ever before in my career. Our team is focused on supporting one another to help achieve our best. No one is considered too important to assist with phone calls, connect with companies or support the sales process. This level of collaboration happens throughout the entire company. Its evident that everyone is dedicated to continually enhancing and developing our internal tools, making our content more comprehensible and user-friendly for our clients and continuously introducing new features to Grammarly. It’s a privilege to be part of this team!



Responses have been edited for length and clarity. Images provided by Shutterstock and listed companies.