Hilary George-Parkin

Hilary George-Parkin is a Built In contributor covering work culture and technology. She holds a master's degree from Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism and a bachelor's degree from New York University. She's written for publications including Vox, Fortune, CNN, BBC, Vogue Business and The Business of Fashion.

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6 Articles
Two Volley teammates sit on a couch, one throwing a small ball in the air and smiling, with the word “Volley” in a neon sign on the wall behind them.
How one company is shaping the future of voice entertainment.
San Francisco companies to watch
A primer on some of the most exciting businesses making waves in the Bay Area — and what makes them great places to work.
For data to drive business results, cross-functional teams need to start speaking the same language.
Large group photo of Huntress team inside a room with big screen overhead that says “Summer Summit 2022”
Helping small and medium-sized businesses stay ahead of evolving cybersecurity, Huntress has been scaling up in recent years. Learn from three of its leaders how the organization is helping its team members — and itself — grow.
Illustration of a worker in her home office talking to coworkers on a video call
Hybrid FOMO is real, but it isn’t inevitable.
Illustration of an anxious businesswoman under a question mark next to a confident businesswoman at a podium
How to keep self-criticism from standing in the way of success.